We are composed of many subtle layers of vibration and frequency. Traditionally, athletes have only focused on the physical body, which is the densest vibration, and perhaps mindset, which is also extremely important.

Now that energy work is finally coming out of Woo Woo land, we know through science that we are vibrational beings with energies and frequencies that can be measured. Is it not logical that to be at our very best we need to work on all the levels that make up our miraculous being?
Many sports are already integrating practices such as yoga, qigong, meditation & tapping, with great results!
So I wanted to share a little about the subtle energy body, namely the chakras, and how balancing them can help with your athletic performance

Muladhara - Root Chakra
Our roots and foundation, much like the roots of a tree. If it's not in balance, it can affect all other energies. Like a tree with weak roots, we won't grow tall and strong.
A balanced root chakra provides stability, strength, good health, vitality, and endurance. It keeps the mind stable and enables us to stay present and focused. It gives us consistency in our training, which as we all know, is extremely important.
We feel comfortable in our bodies and develop a strong sense of trust.
Svadhistana - Sacral Chakra
Associated with the water element, is about movement and flow. It helps us balance our emotions, tap into our passion and pleasure, and maintain a sense of playfulness and enjoyment in our activities and surroundings. When we enjoy something we are likely to participate consistently, and are more successful!
The Sacral Chakra gives us fluidity & flexibility. important when we are juggling our training with business, jobs, family & social life. We are also able to set healthy boundaries so we don't waste our energy on things that are not necessary to our health, well-being, relationships, aspirations & goals
Manipura - Naval Chakra
As the fire element, the Manipura Chakra is extremely important. It plays a role in maintaining a healthy digestive system and provides us with more energy. Very important for an athlete!
A balanced Manipura chakra can keep us proactive, motivated, confident, disciplined, and reliable, enabling us to easily achieve our goals. It also allows us to visualize and understand clearly what we want to achieve in life.
In Manipura, we step into our power and can meet any challenges we take on.
Anahata - Heart Chakra
Ahhh...Anahata. Where we can take things to another level. The air element in Anahata allows us to see the bigger picture and connect to the more subtle aspects of life. We become more sensitive to the ebb and flow of our being.
It fosters compassion and love, not just for others but also for ourselves. This can help us in our athletic pursuits by preventing us from overtraining or being too hard on ourselves. Anahata allows us to be more peaceful, balanced, and content.
This is where we access the flow state. Our hearts and brains are in coherence, and our magnetic and electric energies in balance. When we access this amazing state there is no separation between ourselves, our activity, and our surroundings. There is only 'oneness'
Vishuddha - Throat Chakra#
The Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha, gives us the feeling of space in our bodies, minds, and lives. In our busy lives, it's common to feel overwhelmed and constrained by our commitments and responsibilities. Finding time for activities we love can seem impossible
But we often waste more energy thinking about this rather than just doing.
Vishuddha allows us to experience a sense of freedom and spaciousness, which in turn leads to a more relaxed, stress-free attitude to our training.
It is associated with creativity and effective communication, including the way we communicate with ourselves. Our thoughts and words carry vibrations that can manifest our reality. Therefore, it's important to use positive self-talk and express optimism when pursuing our goals, as this can greatly benefit our mental state, enjoyment of activities, and overall performance. Â
If you are training for an event. Only talk positively to yourself about this event. Repeat positive phrases...out loud & mentally. For example:
'I'm excited to challenge myself, and I know I'll do my best whatever the outcome.'
'I am proud of myself for taking up this challenge, I know it will help me grow as a person & athlete'
' I'm so looking forward to meeting like-minded people and being part of a community
These positive words can work wonders for our mental state, enjoyment of our chosen sport...and our performance!
Ajna - Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna, is linked to our focus, concentration, and intuition. It enables us to visualize beyond the limitations imposed by our beliefs and perceive numerous possibilities.
Great achievements often stem from the intuitive vision of the Third Eye Chakra. Visualizing success and focusing on the feeling of accomplishment can significantly impact our performance. Trusting our inner wisdom and intuition can help us dream big and make those dreams a reality.
Everything incredible that has been achieved comes from the intuition & vision of the Third Eye Chakra. If we can't visualize it, it can't manifest!
Practice meditation and visualization. Don't just 'see' yourself doing well on your big day, but feel it! Visualize everything in detail as if it had already happened
Bring the feeling of doing well into your vibration over and over, Listen deeply to your inner wisdom and intuition, and dream big!
Sahasrara - Crown Chakra
Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra, is associated with our ability to perceive, analyze, and assimilate information. It empowers us to replace negative beliefs with positive ones and connect with universal consciousness.
This chakra encourages us to listen to our higher intelligence and trust a higher power. Athletes may not openly acknowledge it, but they often seek this sense of unity, oneness, and total freedom through their endeavors. Working with our subtle energy systems can help us experience these deep states of being, guiding us toward optimal functioning and a profound connection to something greater than ourselves.
What greater pleasure could there be than to experience these deep states of belonging, fluidity, power, connection, flow, wisdom & unity through our chosen activity?
I hope you've enjoyed this short trip through the chakras, if you have any comments or questions I would love to hear from you!Â
Thanks for reading
Debs x
